■ 여헹지 ■/■ 산.....■

世界 名勝地 (81~100)

구름에 달 가듯이 2011. 8. 27. 15:48



(81) The city of Prague
country : Czech Republic
place : Prague

(82) Giant sequoias
country : United States of America
place : in the sequoia national park, south-west of the country, California state

(83) The Tasmania island
country : Australia
place : south-east of the country

(84) Chorus of lights at Las Vegas
country : Etats-Unis
place : Las Vegas

(85) The pagoda of Shwedagon
country : Myanmar
place : Yangoon

(86) The emperor Qin I's mausoleum and his terracotta army
country : China
place : Xi'an, Shaanxi province

(87) The city of Sydney and the opera house
country : Australia
place : Sydney

(88) Nightlife on the Djemaa Elfna square
country : Marocco
place : Marrakech

(89) The Badshahi mosque at Lahore
country : Pakistan
place : south-east of Islamabad

(90) The parliament of Budapest
country : Hungary
place : Budapest


(91) Baalbek
country : Lebanon
place : north-east of the country

(92) The forbidden city
country : China
place : Beijing

(93) El Tajin
country : Mexico
place : north-east of Mexico city

(94) The Burj al arab hotel
country : the United Arab Emirates
place : Dubai

(95) Sigiriya
country : Sri Lanka
place : in the middle of the country


(96) The mosque of Djenné
country : Mali
place : Djenné, east of Bamako

(97) The golden gate bridge and the San Francisco bay
country : United States of America
place : California state

(98) The Kennedy space center
country : United States of America
place : south-east of the country, Florida state

(99) The Ermitage winter palace
country : Russia
place : Saint-Petersburg

(100) The Petronas towers
country : Malaysia
place : Kuala Lumpur



'■ 여헹지 ■ > ■ 산.....■' 카테고리의 다른 글

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중국 5대명산 (황산,무이산, 태산,노산,아미산)  (0) 2011.08.27