■ 여헹지 ■/■ 산.....■

世界 名勝地 (01~20)

구름에 달 가듯이 2011. 8. 27. 15:48



(01) The inca city of Machu Picchu
country : Peru
place : near Cuzco

(02) The Iguazu waterfalls
country : Argentina(Brazil
place : borders between the two countries

(03) The Tadj Mahall
country : India
place : Agra, south-west of Delhi

(04) The pyramids and the sphinx
country : Egypt
place : Giseh, south-west of Cairo

(05) The great canyon of Colorado
country : United States of America
place : south-west of the country, Arizona state


(06) Migrating animals in the Serengeti park
country : Tanzania
place : north of the country, east of Victoria lake

(07) The Nabatean city of Petra
country : Jordania
place : south-west of the country, near Israel

(08) The big wall of China
country : China
place : north-east of the country, along Inner Mongolia

(09) The Victoria waterfalls
country : Zimbabwe (Zambia)
place : border between the two countries

(10) The great coral reef
country : Australia
place : offshore, north-east of the country


(11) The city of Angkor
country : Cambodia
place : Siem Reap, north of the Tonle Sap lake

(12) The amazonian virgin forest
country : Brazil(Peru
place : around the Amazonia river and its affluents

(13) The Niagara waterfalls
country : Canada(United States of America
place : Niagara, near Toronto

(14) The salar of Uyuni
country : Bolivia
place : south-west of the country

(15 -

The Abu Simbel temple
country : Egypt
place : south-west of Assuan, at the shore of the Nasser lake


(16) The Halong bay
country : Vietnam
place : in the Tonkin Gulf, east of Hanoi

(17) The Bora-Bora island
country : French Polynesia
place : in the middle of the Pacific

(18) Pagan, the thousand pagodas plain
country : Myanmar
place : south-west of Mandalay, at the edge of the Irrawaddy river

(19) Sand dunes of the Sahara
country : Marocco(Mauritania(Mali(Algeria(Niger(Lybia(Chad(Sudan(Egypt
place : north of Africa

(20) Fjords and the Preikestolen cliff
country : Norway
place : west of the country




'■ 여헹지 ■ > ■ 산.....■' 카테고리의 다른 글

世界 名勝地 (21~40)   (0) 2011.08.27
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世界 名勝地 (81~100)  (0) 2011.08.27
日本 富士山  (0) 2011.08.27