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캐릭터 3

구름에 달 가듯이 2012. 10. 17. 04:38





▲ Adora 
Her existence, so to speak, is unexpected and strange. one day, she suddenly appears in front of Calintz. And acting as if she has known him for a long time, she doesn't even know who she herself is. She only has a dim memory about Calintz and recognizes that she is deeply related with him.

 ▲ Calintz Jerevinan

Calintz is puzzled by her strange behavior. He has no memory of her, but by her mischievous actions and speeches, Calintz starts to remember his long lost past.

▲ Estell 
She is the one who occupies the happiest memory of Calintz. She is normally gentle and considerate, but, for Calintz, she was just a cute tomboy. She has done a lot of help for Calintz to escape out of depression.

▲ Felicia 
When Vermillion created monsters, Xian should be sealed in people. And to do that work, they needed spiritual sealers. Spiritual sealers have the ability to accelerate the transformation process of Xian into the human body. Felicia was one of the Vermillion spiritual sealers.

▲ Ferenan 
Ferenan is the leader of Vermillion. He is more known as 'Mephistopheles'.

As his devilish nickname tells, he attempts brutal terror against the Emperor.

His parents were fallen Kroisians. It is no wonder not to remember

the details of the nation that has been destroyed before his birth.

▲ Gilbert Ropponso Descralda

▲ Helios Ryuad Rune Sirat

▲ Joker 
He, who is oddly dressed like his nickname, was famous to everybody as the leader of Scaramouch. Known that he comes from the slums, he was badly antipathetic toward the nobles. People say that he came to Schwarz under a certain secret contract by taking advantage of his weak points.

▲ Juclecia Sebine Re Elcritian 
Once a favored daughter of the former Emperor Cliave, the nobles soon

found out that she would be the next Empress and started to flatter.

But one day her mother was murdered by unknown assassin and

buried where nobody ever knew.

▲ Agreian

The general of the Alliance. He is the son of the Great Priestess of Amabat, Mistress Ladrinne. He grew up in Fuget, the same village that Calintz lived in when he was a child. He was actually Calintz friend and rival-in-sword training. Calintz used to call him Hugo, and later in the game, he continues to call him like that in private places.

▲ Azel

A young swordman who was saved by Calintz in a fierce blizzard on The Road to Amabat

after his village had been destroyed.

 He always looks forward to return his debt by trying to protect Calintz as best as he could. one of his styles is the "Ryusei Ikko," which uses the movement of stars.

▲ Calintz

When he was young, Calintz's village was destroyed in a Yason attack. Seeking revenge, he became a mercenary. He is currently the captain of the Tears of Blood. He'll do whatever is necessary to complete missions assigned to him, especially when it involves fighting the Yason. However, members of the Alliance Army often see his actions as excessive. Because he usually buries his emotions, he can come across as rather cold and calculating, but he cares for his comrades and is willing to risk his life for them, thus earning their trust. 

▲ Chris Arcway

Much of a playboy, he is an archer and inventor for the Tears of Blood, and is working on flying machines although most of his machines are a big fiasco leading the other members not to trust his inventions that much. He thinks of himself as a father figure to Maya. His fighting style is "Myourei," which he invented himself.

▲ Edonis Milan

A well-educated mage from Bayer regarded as a prodigy ever since she was a child. She is polite and frequently serves as a counterpoint to Haren's hotheadedness. She lost both her parents in a Yason attack but does not fight for revenge but is rather devoted to stopping the Human-Yason war, and acts accordingly. Her fighting style is "Gyakudo Madoh," which manipulates the elements of fire and lightning to strike at her foes.

▲ Haren

A rude and brutish human who lost his fiancee, Felicia, in a Yason attack on the Maraccatte front. He blames himself for her death and fights against the Yason to alleviate his guilt. His weapons are his fists, and can hit with immense power, but he is slow to defend against his opponents' attacks. He bears a deep-rooted hatred for the Yason and will go to any ends to annihilate their entire race. His fighting style is "Geshiko Shinzan."

▲ Lehas

She is in charge of running the Tears of Blood headquarters. She is a rational and concise career-woman whose most important things are her job and seeing the Tears of Blood thrive. She looks like she is in a bad mood and normally snaps at people she talks to but she actually cares about her companions since she cannot go to battle with them

▲ Maya

At the age of ten, she witnessed her entire family being murdered by the Yason,

causing her to become aphasiac.

Chris acts as a father figure towards her, even thought they are not related.

She was gifted at birth with healing powers which she uses in battle against the Yason.

▲ Rith

An amnesiac young woman that players meet after the failed use of the Forbidden Magic. She heals Calintz as she finds him unconscious on the cave floor. At first, after Calintz comes to, he thinks that she may be a Priestess from Amabat. Therefore, he takes her with him after promising that he would take care of her until she recovered her memory. From then on, she travels with him and the other members of the Tears of Blood. During their travels, many people are surprised by her lack of common sense, which is a result of the amnesia. She's always cheerful and speaks her mind directly. She hates fighting and will help anyone in need, without discriminating between humans and Yason. Her primary goal is to get her memory back. During the course of the game, she and Calintz seem to be developing feelings for each other. She is always sought after by the Yason for some reason, even by the Four Warriors themselves. 


▲ Rianna

A strong former mercenary looking for her husband and who left her mercenary life to travel. She is lively but impatient and argues easily.

▲ Raul

A vagabond swordsman who doesn't like getting involved with dangerous situations,

unless he is paid the right amount.

He is an optimist and is always joking around and seems absent-minded.

▲ Justina

A priestess of Amabat who cares for the weak and the sick. She is trusted greatly by the great priestess Mistress Ladrinne who she deeply respects. She received her priestess nomination in less time than normal. She accompanies Reith later in the game, to help Reith get her memory back. Her fighting style is the same as Reith's.

▲ Orha

He is the leader of the Blast Worms, first and strongest of the four Warriors. The one most loyal to the Queen. His familiar is called Death Raven.

▲ Lothy

She is a member of the Blast Worm's four Warriors,

seems to also express some form of feelings for Orha.

Her familiar is named Steelheart, the very creature that killed Haren's fiancee.

▲ Ladrinne

The great priestess that leads the Amabat nation and Agreian's mother.

She is a kind person that does not wish for the war with the Yason and

it pains her deeply to see her son so directly involved with the war.

▲ Carian

She is a member of the Blast Worm's four Warriors. She seems to have a distinct dislike for the Queen and is certainly plotting against her along with Azhadi.

Her familiar, Serpent Lord, seems to be some sort of hydra with three heads.

▲ Asad

He is a member of the Blast Worm's four Warriors.

It is rumoured that he is either as strong as or stronger than Orha himself. His familiar is called Succubus, which deals a devastating blow to male members of the party with weak HP.

▲ Amila

Native of the Shinen Tribe and queen of all seven tribes of Yason-Roven. She always wears a mask. She used the Magna Carta to stop the Forbidden Magic used by the Alliance.

A bit later in the game, she was thought to have contracted Rheuma,

a deadly disease to the Yason wherein they turn to


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